
My plan is to periodically (like every minute or so) check to see if the network is still operational. I’ll be running parallel testing on my current internet connection to see if I can make a comparison between them.

I ran a series of pings every 5 minutes for several weeks and neither the Spectrum network nor the YS fiber network showed any downtime at all. The YS fiber ONT does keep count of bytes and packets along with errors and drops and after a little over a month I’ve received 113GB of data in 300M packets (an average of 380 bytes per packet) with 0 errors and 0 drops. I’ve sent 52GB of data in 82M packets (640 bytes/packet) again with 0 errors and 0 drops.

I’ve discontinued the continuous testing since I’ve cancelled my Spectrum service but if I notice any outage I’ll report it here.