Default Configuration

The ONTs come with a default configuration and for a number of users that will be sufficient. There are 4 gigabit ethernet ports that are bridged together. The ONT has a default IP address of, with DHCP enabled. So you can simply plug an ethernet cable from a computer that automatically obtains its IP address into any of the ONT’s ports and it should come alive.

Alternatively you can manually configure your computers/printers to have an IP address in the range of to or from to (you ought to stay away from the DHCP default range of .101 to .199) with a subnet mask, a gateway address of and a DNS of, say, (the ONT default).

You can add ethernet switches with extra ports as you need them. All 4 ports can be used for switches. If you want to log in and check the ONT’s status you can do that by pointing your browser to and enter the id/password.

Note that I haven’t mentioned anything about WiFi. The default non-WiFi ONT with a default configuration cannot support any wireless devices. Since almost everyone uses WiFi, i.e. smartphones, tables, laptops etc etc, I cover how to add that on a separate page.