
Over the last few months I’ve been continuously running file transfers in both directions to a remote server from both my old Spectrum service and then my new YS fiber service. The one on top shows my download speeds, which is what most households care most about – think streaming. The one on the bottom shows upload speeds. They are fairly granular since my time measurements were only in full seconds. It is probably obvious when I moved the server from Spectrum to YS fiber. The numbers on y-axis are in MBytes/sec, while the numbers on the x-axis are hours.

Additionally you can glean other info out of these graphs. (1) both Spectrum and YS fiber drop off in the evening about 8 PM for several hours. (2) YS fiber’s drop off rate is still about as good as Spectrum’s normal rate. (3) The drop off about hour 1061 was due to server/network problems at my hosting service.